Md. Emadul Hossen, Tanvir Hasan, Md. Moudud Ahmod, Kamrul Hasan shafi,Sharoar Jahan shishir , Md.Masudur Rahman, Sharifunnessa Moonmoon

Doi: 10.26480/rfna.02.2024.61.67

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A study was conducted to know the effect of intercropping crops on growth and yield of Cabbage. Cabbage was used as a main crop; red amaranth and coriander were used as intercrops. For assessing the impact of intercropping on cabbage production, the data related to growth and yield were recorded during 45 DAS and at final harvesting of Cabbage. Each of the intercrops was planted in between Cabbage rows in separate plots. There was no significant effect of different intercropping systems on growth characteristics and yield of cabbage compared with sole cabbage cropping except Red Amaranth as an intercrop. Total plant height, leaf length, leaf area and leaf spreading were negatively affected by the intercropping at early stage by intercropping with Red Amaranth. At the end of harvesting of curd, plant tried to recover the leaf length but it was significantly lower in Red Amaranth and coriander compared to control. The yield of the cabbage curd was varied significantly among the treatments but intercropping with Red Amaranth reduce ultimate yield of cabbage (50%). Intercropping with coriander at early stage does not reduce the yield of Cabbage significantly, thus coriander may be intercropped in cabbage field for beneficial purpose.

Pages 61-67
Year 2024
Issue 2
Volume 5