Faiza Tanjim, Md. Parvez Anwar, Sabina Yeasmin, Amdadul Hoque Amran, Joairia Hossain Faria, Nazmun Nahar Priya, Mahirul Islam Biswas, Afroza Sultana

Doi: 10.26480/rfna.01.2024.61.68

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Despite the high potentiality, the yield of hybrid rice varieties is not satisfactory in Bangladesh. Among others, micronutrients like zinc and boron deficiency in soil is one of the major reasons behind the low productivity of hybrid rice. Apart from micronutrient fertilizers application, growth promoters like triacontanol (TRIA), can play a vital role in ensuring the potential yield of hybrid rice. Thus, a field experiment was performed at the Agronomy Field Laboratory at Bangladesh Agricultural University during the period from November 2021 to May 2022 to evaluate the effect of zinc, boron and triacontanol alone or in different combinations on the yield of hybrid boro rice. From the present study, it is evident that the hybrid boro rice variety Tej gold performed better than Heera-19. Findings confirm that the application of triacontanol and zinc resulted in yield enhancement of hybrid rice, but the application of boron did not influence hybrid rice yield. Therefore, soil application of Zn @ 10 kg ha-1 at 10 days after transplanting and foliar spraying with triacontanol @ 15 ml 10 L-1 at 30, 50 and 70 days after transplanting may be recommended for the higher yield of boro rice.

Pages 61-68
Year 2024
Issue 1
Volume 5