Susma Baral, Shaurav Sharma, Sujana Gautam, Ranjana Rawal

Doi: 10.26480/rfna.01.2023.04.06

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Cumin is one of the highly demanded and most valued spices commodities. This crop can be cultivated in Rabi season where frost-free winter prevails in the semi-arid region of Nepal. Its seeds are nutritious with several culinary uses and high medicinal value. Despite of favourable climate and topography for the cultivation of cumin in Nepal it is still not cultivated. This is because of unavailability of quality seeds, registered varieties and lack of knowledge on cultivation practices. Cumin is ahighly economical crop with simple management practices and low input cost. Few researches has been conducted, limiting the ideas of production technology and comparative advantages of cumin. National research institutions should focus on the research of Cumin and separate zone should be established under national projects. The extension agencies like the Minis the Ministry of Agriculture & cooperatives should train local farmers on the cultivation practices and high economic return of Cumin cultivation.

Pages 04-06
Year 2023
Issue 1
Volume 4